What would you change today if you could? There are No Limits here; you’ve already been empowered. I said, “if you could” so just assume that you can. With your answer in mind, ask yourself “how” you’ll do that, and then Listen. Perhaps this short little article will be therapeutic in a way. It will if you allow it to be. If you’ve been trying to change something and find that you’ve been unable to this point, please realize that you’re not alone. It’s easy to feel like “you’re the only one”, but most likely millions are going through the same process. I’m not saying to simply accept that “it’s normal” or trying to make you feel better with “misery loves company”. You’re not alone because there are those who can help you unravel the mystery that is similar to others, but uniquely yours.
Do You Have Trouble Believing In Yourself? By R.D. Cooper
This is an article about hypnotism, trance, and age-old wisdom. How powerful is the “ability to believe”? Are there particular aspects of your life that you know would be improved and more enjoyable, if only you could have full faith in yourself? If you were supremely confident, do you think you would be more appealing to significant others? Would you receive greater recognition and reward in the workplace? If the limits were removed, would you simply “connect” better with the universe and become a happier healthier individual?
Hypnotherapy–A Healing Truth by R.D. Cooper
Learn how an 87-year old woman went from doomed to daring, death-bed to daily wellness, by believing it could be so. This is a true story about physical healing that occurred in 2010, and the role hypnosis played in the process. Optimum benefits of hypnotherapy are proportionate to the ability of the therapist, who appropriately guides a subject into that altered state of deeply relaxed focused intention, where they realize access to their natural curative abilities, without limits of typical judgment and prejudice of the conscious mind, in conjunction with the subject’s willingness and desire to achieve their intention.
Hypnotically Healing with Words How to structure verbal communication for desired results R.D. Cooper
You won’t need a course in NLP neuro-linguistic-programming to understand and apply what follows. This is just a brief introduction on how to structure your words, so that you’re more apt to derive desired results. You may desire to hypnotize yourself, to achieve a higher degree of awareness. It’s often not easy to alter patterns that have been imbedded generationally, and even within the simplest of examples, you’ll undoubtedly find yourself slipping into old patterns. With practice you’ll begin to see opportunities everywhere to teach little mini-lessons. And people will be thankful.
Could The Pursuit Of Happiness Be A Form Of Self-Sabotage? By R.D. Cooper
Could pursuing happiness make you unhappy? If so, that seems counter to what seems logical doesn’t it? An entire industry has grown in support of the quest for happiness. We routinely try to support ourselves with positive affirmations and self-improvement education to boost our ability for happiness and success. As in everything in life, there is a tipping point that can reveal where “counter-productive” resides. According to recent research, half of the population is at greater risk if too much emphasis and pressure is placed upon many of the behaviors that we typically associate with desirable in reaching a goal. This article will provide some tips on putting balance into the happiness equation, and remind all that understanding oneself is important, and can be facilitated in hypnotherapy. All actions begin with a thought, so healthy thoughts are vital if we desire healthy outcomes.