CentrePoint, Inc. is a spiritually based charitable non-profit organization (501(c)(3) offering counseling, psychotherapeutic techniques, hypnotherapy, spiritual counseling, and other spiritual and personal growth services, workshops, inspirational events, and classes to couples and individuals.
(See CentrePoint, Inc., Articles of Incorporation 501c3, Article 2, Type of Corporation and Purpose.)
Wendy Hill, PhD is president and minister of CentrePoint, Inc. Dr. Wendy has been in practice for over 40 years and is dedicated to helping others reach their full potential both psychologically and spiritually.
Policy for Donation, Payment, Refund, and Cancellation: CentrePoint, Inc. is a non-profit organization that health insurance will not cover services, and fees paid are not tax deductible. Agreed upon fees for sessions provided by Wendy Hill, Ph.D. are to be paid on the same day as the session. 24 hour notice is required for any appointment changes or full fee payment if cancelled within 24 hours or fail to appear. At the the time of initial registration the client may be charged a non-refundable fee that will later be applied to their first session. Client gives Wendy Hill, Ph.D. permission to charge credit card without signature if client is not present or if they should default on agreed upon fees or fail to appear for a session. It is understood that all sessions and notes taken are confidential. Should any disagreement arise from sessions with Wendy Hill, Ph.D. agreement to arbitration as a sole instrument of resolution is required. All payments received for session and/or products are final and not subject to refund.
Should Dr. Hill agree to a paid session with a client before the registration form has been received, the client agrees that the initial telephone agreement to the session is a legal and valid confirmation of time and fee for the session.
Should client fail to sent proper registration as promised they may be text-recorded in a follow-up telephone conversation as to the agreement to the session used and fee paid.
Policy for Payment, Refund, and Cancellation for all workshops and trainings: All workshops and trainings have a non-refundable deposit which is collected upon registration. Other paid fees are non-refundable if cancellation occurs within two weeks of the workshop or training start date.
Clients will be charged 3.75% if using a credit or debit card for services. To avoid these extra fees clients may use Zelle to pay for services. To do so please use wendy@wendyhill.com to access Dr. Hill's Zelle account.

Each of Us Is Seeking A Healing and a Spiritual Experience
Our life purpose is to learn and to grow into being our true selves. Our life challenges are often our wakeup call to take conscious action toward our own healing. CentrePoint, Inc. exists to offer that opportunity for those who are ready to take the next step in their personal healing.
Therapy Dog
Willie is CentrePoint, Inc.'s therapy dog. Dr. Wendy always asks new clients if they are comfortable with having a dog greet them. Most people love dogs and Willie helps make them feel more relaxed. See More >