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Meaning of Human Life

Joseph Campbell may have approached his research objectively although he may have been driven by some unseen force within himself to find the hidden truths of life. As he studied the myths and symbols in various cultures and peoples he began to see not just similarities but a sameness in the stories, art, and customs. … Read more

The Circle

In one of his last lectures Joseph Campbell spoke about the universality of the circle, or the mandala as Carl Jung called it. Campbell pointed out that the circle appears in all of nature, in our behavior, and in our psyche. Witness the apple and the round earth, the circular patterns of our behavior, the … Read more

Faith Versus Experience

In regards to his belief in God Joseph Campbell was asked the question, “Do you have faith?” Campbell answered, “I don’t need faith. I have experience.” When I was twelve years old I asked my minister grandfather to tell me the difference between an agnostic and an atheist. When he finished telling me I responded … Read more

Women As Spiritual Seekers

Joseph Campbell had a deep interest in Eastern Religions. In his talks about symbols, myths, and religions he often referred to the female aspect of God. He pointed out that in Western religious tradition God is seen as male and in Eastern religious tradition God is seen as both male and female. He demonstrated how … Read more

Peak Experience

Joseph Campbell speaks of the peak experience in his interviews with Bill Moyers. A peak experience is when the ego is set aside and you enter into a perception of reality devoid of judgment or fear. People who have peak experiences often tell of insights, Truths, and knowledge that could not normally be experienced or … Read more