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Get Away Into Nature

Get away into nature consistently for your general well-being. When you’re feeling stressed, sad, conflicted, or generally down especially get away into nature. This could mean just sitting in your back yard if you live in an nature-abundant areas. It could also mean getting in your car and feeling the miles roll away beneath you as … Read more

The Danger Of “I Don’t Know”

Dear One you say “I don’t know” and “I can’t” like you are eating a bag of potato chips. It’s like you can’t stop and are addicted to the state of not knowing and not moving forward. When you tell yourself that you don’t know something you are automatically stopping yourself from solving a problem … Read more

Never Give Up

Dear One you are worthy of any and all efforts to free yourself. Never give up on yourself. Yes, I know that growing is difficult. Change is hard. Sometimes we stay in the same uncomfortable circumstances in our lives just because it’s familiar. But do this, Dear One. Face change like a warrior. Look at … Read more