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Core Beliefs: Your Original Programming Fourteen

Did you know that you make decisions during your high impact moments? Did you know that you make decisions without even knowing that you are making decisions?   Does this sound strange or impossible? Read this series on Core Beliefs and Your Original Programming and you will be amazed. You can make life altering decisions when you are an infant and/or a child that will affect you the rest of your life and you won’t even know that is happening. But all is not lost. You can become aware of how and when you did this and change it. And by changing it you can change everything! Your life will be more peaceful and productive. You will learn to love your real self. You will be free. Read this entire series. You will be glad you did.

To learn more about Core Beliefs and how to heal and transform them go to


During the high impact moments of a conflicting event or condition you have many thoughts. These thoughts are really -decisions you make about yourself, others, and the nature of reality. The thoughts come rapidly, so rapidly that they are hardly recognized as thoughts. These thoughts are so instantaneous and -instinctive that they are like pre-thought perceptions that later become identifiable thought. And they are so intense that they, coupled with high stress and strong emotion such as fear, anger, grief, or shame, become a core belief.

During your childhood you made thousands of decisions about yourself, others, and the nature of reality. Most of those decisions were made instantaneously and automatically, and you may have been unaware of having made them.

Your perception of the world as an adult is quite different than as a child. As a child you are comparatively powerless and simply respond to your experience without conscious thought. By the time you are an adult you have developed many skills that give you power, control, mobility, and autonomy. You have a high degree of control over your environment. You can think things through. You can imagine your own future and plan courses of future action. You have the power to influence the world around you.


It is the emotion that locks a core belief into the subconscious mind. Emotions serve as a glue that holds the belief in place. A core belief can remain active even though it is no longer helpful or even valid. The belief, however, cannot be changed until the emotions are consciously acknowledged and expressed. When the emotions are expressed, the core belief can mature.

About Monica

When Monica was two years old her father drank heavily. When he drank his temper flared and he often yelled at Monica’s mother. To Monica, her father’s outbursts were terrifying. She believed that she and her mother were in danger. She feared that her father would lose control and do something worse than yell at Mother. For Monica these moments were highly stressful and filled with emotion. Even though her mother and father would make up shortly after, during those high impact moments Monica believed that she and her mother were in danger. When her father was yelling, Monica felt fear and at the same time thought that she and her mother were in danger. She decided that Father could do something worse than yell, that men have to be closely watched, that women are vulnerable, and that life is a frightening reality.


This combination of elements is what creates a core belief—a highly stressful event coupled with strong emotion and intense thought. Without realizing it Monica made many decisions that would impact her for the rest of her life. Though Monica may have forgotten the emotions, the thoughts, and even the events, the core belief still remained in her subconscious mind, affecting her. Monica’s core beliefs were that she was not safe, that men are potentially dangerous, that women are vulnerable to men, and that life is to be feared. These core beliefs were later triggered by another high impact moment, reinforcing the already existing core beliefs.

When Monica was four years old she was playing in her back yard. Her father was playing catch with her teenage brother nearby when her father missed a toss and the ball hit Monica, knocking her down. She was not hurt and when her father and brother realized that she was safe, they laughed and teased Monica. Monica was surprised by the impact of the ball. For an instant she felt panic and had the fleeting thought that she was in grave danger. When, in their relief, her father and brother teased her, Monica thought that they were glad that she was in danger and had thrown the ball at her on purpose. Since Monica already believed that men were dangerous it was automatic for Monica to have this thought. Caught in this high impact moment, Monica, without even realizing it, was deepening her conflicting core beliefs about herself, others, and the nature of reality.

Like Monica, you automatically respond to your high impact moments with decisions about yourself, others, and the nature of reality. It does not matter that you cannot remember those experiences and decisions. What you experienced and decided is still within you influencing you today.

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