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Device Addiction – Purpose of Addiction

All addictions are designed to be comforting…or more accurately, distracting from the uncomfortable feelings rising from the subconscious mind. All addiction is escape from some kind of pain: pain from forgotten or denied childhood conflict, pain from loss, pain from misfortune, poverty, rejection, mistakes made, pain from failure. Some addictive behavior is so effective as … Read more

Addiction to Devices

Our culture has entered into a never before recognized addition. It is the addiction to devices and the information and entertainment they provide. Computers, iPads, and smart phones dominate our attention with the compulsive and often mindless need for talk, email, Facebook, Twitter, applications, games, YouTube, etc. The list is almost endless. The seduction of … Read more

Addiction Cause Made Simple

What causes addiction? It doesn’t have to be a mystery. It doesn’t have to be explained in complex psychological language. The explanation of what causes addiction is simple. Here it is: addiction is caused by an on-going attempt to avoid uncomfortable emotions. That’s it in a nutshell. Life is difficult. If we early on learn … Read more