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Unrequited Love

Bob’s wife had died several years back and he missed being married. He especially missed having a social secretary. So he got on the internet and began dating women. Bob wanted a woman who was connected with a social life, beautiful, and had some money. As he put it he wanted to be in the “bosom of society” and he was looking for a woman to help put him there. Over time he dated many women, most of who did not measure up to his beauty and money standards. As he put it, “I either dump them or they dump me.” Bob had a sense of humor about it and persevered forward with his one and two date before-dumping-time plan. Over the course of time he continued to return to one woman, Mary, who had “dumped” him but who continued to hold Bob’s interest. Eventually he was able to befriend her in hopes that something romantic would evolve. It never did though they remained friends. Unfortunately for Bob he was in love with Mary and no other woman he dated would measure up to her. While Mary was steadfast in her commitment to no romance with Bob he continued to hope while continuing to date other women. Over time Bob tried to manipulate Mary in various ways, none of which worked and confirmed in Mary’s mind that Bob was not a good catch. Finally Bob got the message that Mary was not going to be romantic and Bob entered into a depression and was filled with frustration. He still could not leave Mary. Bob was a victim of unrequited love. What would you do?

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