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Being Real

Consider being your true self. That is paying attention to and honoring those things that are healthy for, empowering  to, and compassionate for yourself. No faking it. No pretending you like or want something that you don’t. No allowing your needs to be set aside or neglected. No more doing what you don’t want to do or what’s unhealthy for you to endure. Have you ever considered that being “nice” may a times be bad for your health, mental, emotional, or physical? “I thought that you would love me more if I didn’t express my needs.  But now I’m going to follow my heart and tell you what I want.” This is part of the lyric from the song, Follow My Heart. You know, there are kind ways of expressing what you want, of saying “no”, and of initiating some action in your own behalf. Being real doesn’t mean being unkind to others. It means that you care enough about yourself to be kind to yourself. Yes, that may mean that at times you will perhaps disappoint someone. There is no way for that to not happen. However, by being real you give to others the gift of your true self, not of some people-pleasing person who can potentially build resentment and whose self esteem is too low to show who they really are. True love and happiness can only be expressed when you are being real and true to yourself.

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