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How To Pick A Therapist: Their Website

A therapist’s (psychotherapist, hypnotherapist, counselor) website will tell you a great deal about them. First, their photo should be easily found right on the home page. Ideally they should have a video of them speaking so you can get a feeling of who they are. Videos give you an opportunity to get a sense of how they will speak with you. They should have their education and experience posted. Who trained them? How long have they been in practice? Their area of specialty should be described so you can tell if they have experience in the areas in which you want to have assistance. They should present themselves as professional but also human. Do they show that they are involved with life, have an interest in not only helping people, but in the process of being human themselves? The site should be easy to read and to navigate. The more extensive the site the better. A well developed site tells you the therapist is serious about what they do and has put a considerable effort into educating you as to who they are, what they do, and helping you understanding the profession. A blog is important. Articles they have written, chapters from their book (a book is great as it gives them further credibility), support materials, activities, all should be posted. Trust what you feel when on their site.

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