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Man Wants His Children Back

A  man learned that his wife was having an affair and in his anger and haste divorced her and gave up custody and any hope of joint custody of his two children. In the months that followed the divorce he began to regret his decision and longed to have more quality time with his children. By this time his wife’s lover had moved in with her and was assuming the role of father. This angered the man so much that one day he got drunk and threatened his ex-wife’s lover. The man was consequently arrested and his wife refused to speak to him. In his despair he sought out counseling and discovered how he had himself created this unfortunate drama in his life. He became truly repentant and sought his ex-wife and her lover’s forgiveness. They refused any communication and the man remained cut off from his children. The man knew that he had reached a point where he could control his temper and could be a truly nurturing parent t his children. How was he going to reach his ex-wife so he could be the man to his children he should be? What would you do?

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