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Infidelity: The Burden Of Guilt

When people begin an affair they rarely think of the consequences. Most just want to have the stimulating experience of having a new love or new sex or whatever is motivating the affair. They don’t stop to think, “Where is this going? What will be the affect on everyone including myself as this affair progresses … Read more

Infidelity: Should I Tell My Children

Remember that children already know something is wrong between mother and father. They may not know the facts but they know something. If the infidelity has never been revealed openly, later in life they may tell their therapist that they suspected that their parent had an affair(s) but they have no proof. Young children are … Read more

Infidelity: Influence On Your Children

How are your children influenced by your affair(s)? Children are influenced by everything you say, think, feel, and do. Infidelity is no exception.  Consider this. Children know pretty much everything on an intuitive level. They may not know the facts, but they do know when something is not right and have a sense of what … Read more

Infidelity: The Case For Lying

Lying about something so central to who you are to someone you love is against moral values. But let’s consider the case for lying about an affair and see what you think. First let’s make a distinction between remaining silent, which is a form of lying, and lying when confronted directly by your partner. Here … Read more