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What To Think About As You Age

aged business woman with earphones enjoying music

Are you over fifty? Sixty? Seventy? Eighty? Or beyond? What do you think about? Do you even notice what you ponder? Few people like to age and like the attending losses that accompany aging. But here is a perspective that may put the experience of aging in a better light. As an aging psychotherapist and … Read more

Regrets? How Could I Have Done That?

hopeless drug addict holding his head

When you reach a certain age you have had enough time in life to look back. Maybe you are over fifty or even as young as forty looking back at your twenties and thinking of the crazy and stupid things you did with regret. How could I have done, thought, endured, chosen, or dreamed that. … Read more

How To Connect To Your Center

Donna was always preoccupied with herself, her problems, how she looked, and how people were treating her. Her preoccupation with herself was an attempt at finding happiness. However the more preoccupied she became the more unhappy she was. Finally she reached a point of such unhappiness that she sought help. When she called me she … Read more