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Dealing With Stress

Stress. Can’t live with it. Can’t live without it. What to do about stress? Stress is a given in life. It’s always lurking around the corner waiting to rob you of your peace of mind. It helps to have some good stress reducing tools. Most of us know about making sure we get enough sleep, exercise, and healthy food. We know about meditation and having some alone time for reflection. We may not always do the things we know we need to do to deal with stress but at least we know the basic rules and we do what we can. Here is another tool to add to your tool box for dealing with stress. Most of us know about our inner child and what an important role he/she plays in our attitudes and behaviors. If you are not yet acquainted with your inner child now’s a good time to get started. When you feel overwhelmed with the stresses and demands of the day simply close your eyes and imagine you are talking to your over stressed inner child.  Speak out loud. (No, you are not crazy.) Say, “I love you and everything is going to be OK. We are just given an opportunity to grow and we will take that opportunity. You are safe. You are loved. You are worthy. We are going to get through this together and I will do whatever is necessary to solve any problems we may be dealing with here.” Then explain to your inner child the circumstances and how you are going to help. Explain that all things are temporary and that there is a wonderful Spirit that is guiding and protecting. Tell your inner child what he or she needs to know to feel safe and relaxed about things. Make promises that you can and will keep. You will find that talking with your inner child will calm you and give you the perspective you need to move forward in a more relaxed and confident manner.

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