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Cure For Overwhelm

Dear One you tell me you are overwhelmed with all you have to accomplish. This is a wonderful opportunity to learn one of life’s important lessons. Relax and take one step, one moment at at time. When we have set a goal for ourselves or we are given much to do the road ahead can look too long. That’s when we tend to feel overwhelmed and that feeling can cause you more problems than the tasks ahead themselves. Undue stress, anxiety, procrastination and even giving up can undermine your progress. When you have these feelings of being overwhelmed that’s the time to slow down. That’s the time to stop for a moment and shift your attitude from “I’ve got to hurry up and get this done” to “I’m going to enjoy this journey and take it as it comes.” It helps to make a mental commitment to doing just so much a day. Have a plan, a realistic plan that you can stick to. You will find that you will not only reach your goal but you may even enjoy the journey. Once you learned this important life lesson you will have paved the way for a more relaxed and enjoyable life.

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