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What To Do With Life’s Big Challenges And What Not To Do

What To Do With Life's Big Challenges And What Not To Do 1

Life is difficult.

Yes, life has it’s wondrous moments. But life is also loaded with difficulties. We need to be prepared in childhood to face our challenges directly. Most of us are not prepared. So we need to learn how to face things as adults.

What not to do: Self-pity.

When Mark experienced hearing loss and was told that he had to wear hearing aid he descended into a self-pitying depression. Mark consequently refused to get hearing aid and increasingly withdrew from social situations.

What to do: Be proactive.

When Janet was diagnosed with an incurable intestinal disease her response was to rise above the disease and to learn everything she could about it. She learned how to control her emotions and to limit stress in her life. In doing so she conquered the disease to the point where she could live a normal life.

The difference between Mark and Janet is obvious. Mark allowed his life challenge to conquer him. Janet used her life challenge as an opportunity to grow.

You make choices.

The choices we make in life, especially when challenged in a big way, make all the difference as to the quality of our lives…and our deaths.

Consider this: Life is a classroom.

Life is a school where we are challenged by certain assignments that are designed to challenge us. The goal of life is to come into complete knowledge of who we are. We are to learn that we are loved and loving souls that possess unbounded wisdom. So life is designed to guide us to this experience of knowingness.

What to do: See life’s difficulties as opportunity.

When life throws a big challenge at you take it as an opportunity, a lesson given to you for a particular purpose for your growth. Your losses are opportunities. Your pain is the sacrifice you pay for wisdom.

What to do: Feel you feelings.

Don’t run from your feelings. Feel the loss and pain. No one wants to feel pain, sadness, depression, or unhappiness. But these feelings are a part of life. They come with the challenges. If you attempt to avoid your feelings you become vulnerable. You are at the mercy of your repressed emotions. They remain in your subconscious mind waiting to be felt. Never-felt feelings become your enemy. They are constantly knocking at the door of your consciousness begging to be felt. It’s like they are saying to you, “Please let me out. Please acknowledge me. I won’t give you peace until you do.” All your feelings need to be felt.

Addiction is about denying feelings.

Run from your feelings and you are vulnerable to addiction. Never-felt emotions are the corner stone of addiction. Smoke, drink, shop, eat, take a drug, gamble, watch porn…you name it. All addiction is about denying your emotions. The addiction temporarily quells the pain. It covers it up for a time but when the addiction high wears off the unfelt emotions are back.

Never felt emotions can manifest as restlessness, anger, depression, anxiety.

The emotions you refuse to feel are always knocking at your door. Even when you are high from some addictive behavior they are an under current of feeling that you just can’t shake loose. Depression and anxiety are simply denied emotion from your past.

What to do: If you are stuck in addiction seek counseling.

Some never-felt emotions are very old. Some may be as old as your childhood. So sometimes we need help in recovering the memory of what upset us. By working with a therapist that is skilled in regression therapy you can recover those niggling pesky unfelt emotions and finally feel them.

When you feel your pain you can move on.

When you finally agree to feel your feelings you can move forward. You are unblocked by unfinished business. You are free to mature and enjoy life more fully.

What to do: Look for the purpose of your challenge.

There is a reason life is difficult. It’s to learn. Look for the purpose of your challenge. You are a great being in hiding. Your attachment to things and achievements is your blind spot. Look beyond those attachments and ask your deepest self for the truths that your challenge is attempting to reveal to you.

Regression therapy is like a magic wand.

I have been in practice as a hypnotherapist and psychotherapist for many years. I have been witness to hundreds of human challenges. My job in part is to help my clients take full responsibility for their happiness and well-being. And that means helping them to discover the messages in their challenges.

Regression therapy can help you find a better way to cope.

In Mark’s case he found self-pity to be more comforting that facing his loss of hearing. He preferred to give up rather than fight. To him fighting meant that he had to be aggressive and vocal, a bad boy. He could never face his fear of being that bad boy. As a child he was repeatedly told to shut up. He was punished for being assertive. He was punished for having any personal power. Self-pity and sadness became a habit that lasted into his adult years.

In Janet’s case she was also taught to be a good girl, to never make waves. However, when Janet was diagnosed she chose to be a rebel, to fight rather than give up. What Janet had that Mark didn’t was a grandmother that would tell her that she could accomplish whatever she wanted. Her grandmother was a fighter and a role model for Janet.

Your childhood decisions are life altering.

Both Mark and Janet made choices. The difference between what each chose was life altering for them both. The were by choice sent in totally different directions. One to heaven and the other to hell.

You can choose.

You can see life as a school where your are give challenges in order to learn. You can look for the truths about yourself deep within yourself. You can come up like the phoenix from the ashes victorious and joyful.

Learn more.

If you want to know more go to my website, or call me at 760-994-9296.


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