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People Pleaser

Dear One, you have been in sales all your adult life. You have trained yourself to tell people what they want to hear. You make promises you can’t keep to accomplish a momentary win. Do you not know that people can see through this? Do you not know that this pattern prevents you from being real. Do you not see that as a result you often disappoint others when you don’t do what you promised? Can you not see that as a result people do not trust you on a very basic level? Don’t tell people what they want to hear. Tell them what they need to hear. Tell them when you can’t do something on their time schedule. Tell them your limits on time, effort, and desire. It’s OK to be real with people. They will ultimately respect you and you will feel more at peace when you are real. People will like you more. You may think that people like you now with your people pleasing ways. They may in the moment. But the moment passes and you are stuck with your false enthusiasm. And people know it. Be real, my friend.

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