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Think You May Have Been Molested As A Child?

Have you had a nagging feeling that you may have been molested as a child but can’t recall anything clearly? Are you afraid if you were that it may have been a family member? Are you afraid of finding out and also afraid of not finding out? If so you are not alone. Over the years many women and men have come to me seeking help for something they suspect happened to them: childhood sexual abuse. Here are some questions to ask yourself that may help you start to clarify things. Do you struggle with low self esteem? Do you have a history of promiscuity, sexual shyness, or uncomfortable feelings about sex? Do you find it difficult to say no to sex? Does sex repel you? Do you feel uncomfortable with or have a creepy feeling about someone you know from your childhood? Do you have uncomfortable or painful physical feelings in your lower body? Do you have feelings of shame you cannot put a finger on? If you answer yes to one or more of these questions they may be a clue to possible repressed memories of sexual abuse in childhood. Through therapy and the use of helpful tools such as hypnosis you can recover childhood memories and begin to heal childhood trauma. Remember that as the adult you are today you can heal what you could not face as a child. You survived. Now it’s safe to remember and to heal.

To learn more go to, click on Specialities, and watch video and read about sexual abuse.

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