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Life Purpose: Defined By Tragedy

For some their life purpose is defined as a result of a tragedy. Often in life when we are knocked to our knees our priorities shift. We become more aware of what is really important and that which is of lesser importance.  When we have that kind of clarity we tend to take positive action on those things that really count. Jess and Carly had been married for five years and had twin daughters, age three. They adored their girls. You might say the sun rose and set on their blond curls. Both Jess and Carly were drinkers. They both liked to party. One evening they invited friends over and everyone including Jess and Carly drank too much. Meanwhile one of their precious daughters became very ill. Jess and Carly could not hear her cries over the music and loud conversation. By the end of the evening both Jess and Carly were so “out of it” they went to bed without checking of their daughters. In the morning they found one of their girls had died. This tragedy so profoundly influenced Jess and Carly that they both stopped drinking and collaborated on a book telling of their shame and guilt. The book was meant as an attempt at healing. They shared it with a few friends and family members. Soon the book created a local cult following. Jess and Carly’s honesty and humility were compelling and became an inspiration to others who were suffering with the guilt and shame of irresponsible behavior. As Jess and Carly grew so did their  commitment to sharing what they could to help others become more responsible. Along with raising their daughter it became their life purpose.

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