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Hypnotherapy Advanced Healing Regression Workshop

In this intensive hypnotherapy workshop you will be guided by Dr. Wendy Hill. Learn and experience regression hypnosis to transform your subconscious self-defeating core beliefs have caused anxiety, depression, addiction, and broken relationships, and were caused by childhood trauma. You will have the opportunity to identify and heal old wounds through inner child healing and claim your own Truth. This workshop can be emotional and will focus on the origin of negative beliefs and patterns that often begin in childhood. Dr. Wendy will offer you powerful tools to help you step out of fear, shame, hurt, and anger into worthiness, love, safety, and self-empowerment. Join the hundreds of others who have done this workshop and who have found peace of mind, increased self-confidence, and a renewed joy of living. (After hours support is available during the workshop.)

Expected results: A significant and deeply felt shift in your well-being and peace of mind. You will have the opportunity to truly thrive. Resolve old childhood wounds. Often said, “It’s like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders. Something deep inside me is calmer and more joyful.“

Contact Dr. Wendy for dates and times.

Hypnotherapy Advanced Healing Regression Workshop 1

Optional support: “True Seeker’s Guide” video $59.99  Purchase Here

Day One
1 Introduction
2 What is a True Seeker
3 Source of Truth
4 Your Original Programming

Day Two
5 Getting Ready
6 Remembering Your Original Experience
7 Regression Process
8 Observing Your Family of the Past Process
9 Life Event Line One

Day Three
10 Understanding How Your Experiences Have Affected You
11 Life Event Line Two
12 Acknowledging Your Experience
13 Acknowledging Your Feelings

Day Four
14 Talking to the People in Your Past Process
15 Preparing for the Pillow Hit

Day Five
16 Pillow Hit Process
17 Self Dialogue

Day Six
18 Giving Yourself A Truth
19 Living in Truth

Hypnotherapy, Regression, and Core Beliefs

Learn more about Dr. Wendy therapies:

Learn about Wendy Hill, Ph.D.

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