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Goal Setting Nine-2: Emotional Commitment

What is the secret for manifesting what you want? Simply put, emotional commitment. When you want something and feel a desire for it down in that place deep inside yourself, the process of making it happen begins. When you want something with all your heart, mind, and soul somehow it comes about. This happens partly because with this kind of commitment you are willing to do whatever it takes to make it happen. You are willing to do the uncomfortable things, to step out of your comfort zone and just do what it takes. If a part of you is doubtful or  ambivalent then you will unconsciously and automatically defeat your efforts to succeed in reaching your goal. Here’s the key: since most goals have a strong element of discomfort and difficulty to them (for example, quitting smoking, getting a degree, cleaning out the house and garage and having a yard sale) then you will likely feel some ambivalence.  Don’t deny the feeling. Embrace it. Look at it. Then ask yourself if you are willing to move ahead anyway. Make a non-negotiable agreement with yourself. Say, for example, “I am willing to spend the time, effort, and emotional pain of releasing things that are no longer useful and have my yard sale. I am willing to be uncomfortable for this project.” If you have an agreement with yourself like this then it is likely you will succeed in reaching your goal. Congratulations!

Wendy Hill, M.A., Ph.D. candidate (2013) has been in private practice in psychotherapy and hypnotherapy in San Diego and Encinitas for over thirty years. As a therapist and counselor Wendy specializes in transforming self-defeating core beliefs. Her therapy includes using hypnosis and counseling to treat anxiety, depression, addiction, childhood abuse, sexual abuse, relationships, self-confidence, and life challenges. Her website is

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