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Goal Setting Ten: Taking A Risk

Goal setting always has a risk factor. Any time you ask yourself to take a change in your life you are taking an emotional risk. Sometimes your risk will be not only emotional but financial, time consuming, mental, and social.  Some goals you may set for yourself may upset others, your family, close friends, or social group. I had a client once who wanted to quit smoking. Quitting smoking was no problem for her. The problem was her woman’s weekly card playing group. All the women smoked and my client was afraid that if she didn’t that she would be seen as a “goodie two shoes” and be rejected from the group. She told me that she had tried to quit one and received so much “flack” from the girls that she started smoking again. One would think that one’s health would be more important than being accepted by some friends. Not to her and not to many people. So when you are planning a goal consider the risks involved and ask yourself if you are willing to take the risk. I encourage you to make your priorities virtuous. You are worthy of having a wonderful life. Only you can create it. Take the necessary risks you need to take to have the life your deserve!

Wendy Hill, M.A., Ph.D. candidate (2013) has been in private practice in psychotherapy and hypnotherapy in San Diego and Encinitas for over thirty years. As a therapist and counselor Wendy specializes in transforming self-defeating core beliefs. Her therapy includes using hypnosis and counseling to treat anxiety, depression, addiction, childhood abuse, sexual abuse, relationships, self-confidence, and life challenges. Her website is

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