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Device Addiction – Disconnect From True Self

We all long for a connection with something that touches our essential self. This longing is for most of us unconscious.  Still we are driven by this subconscious longing. You can identify this longing through your restlessness, your tendency to move from one activity to another, or your need for distraction. Because you do not understand that your longing is for a connection with your True Self you connect with things outside of yourself. This connection can be with other people, work, shopping, a hobby, or your devices and what they offer. Actually the list is endless. Addiction to devices is only one manifestation of this disconnect from your True Self. What is the True Self? It is the You that is at peace, is not pulled by restless emotions or thoughts, and is not suffering from unresolved childhood and adult problems. It is the You that is joyful and is most often in service to others. So, your addiction to your devices can be an opening door to the real You…your True Self.

Stay tuned to this series on Device Addiction and learn how to make the move away from addiction toward your True Self.

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