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Core Beliefs: Your Original Programming Seventeen

This entry is the last on this particular series on Core Beliefs. There will without doubt be more I will say on the subject since it is such an important issue in our growth and happiness. Your core beliefs determine how you will think, feel, and act. They are that powerful. And the funny thing is that most of the time you don’t even know how and even that they are motivating and influencing you. Your core beliefs are hidden in the depths of your subconscious mind and are often trapped by unexpressed emotions that have been too difficult for you to feel and acknowledge. Please read this entire series on Core Beliefs: Your Original Programming. You will be enlightened and inspired to perhaps do the “work” of discovering your own core beliefs. You can transform negative core beliefs into beliefs that serve you today as an adult.

To learn more about inner child healing, core beliefs, and personal growth go to

Eyes Of The Child

One important thing Eve did in her healing process was to view her past experiences as a child from the point of view of a child. Most of us who take the time to examine our past tend to view it from the adult perspective. We analyze and judge how we must have thought and felt, but see ourselves as little adults with adult thoughts and adult feelings. Because we have forgotten what it is like to think and feel like a child we imagine that the child will react as we would today. This is simply not true. Adult perspective can give you an incomplete and distorted view of your past. It can prevent you from learning the most important facts about yourself at that time. An adult sees things from a more empowered point of view, armed with skills a child has yet to learn. To really understand what you experienced as a child, you must re-live your experiences as though you were that child. You must see your experience through the eyes of the child. If you do you will see striking differences between your adult point of view and your child point of view.

All of us as children have had stresses and difficulties and many of those stresses and difficulties have long since been resolved. For most of us, however, there still remain some unresolved problems that continue to exert their negative influences. As long as those unresolved problems remain in the subconscious mind, we are destined to continue acting on them.

Hidden Treasure

Your core beliefs are a treasure of information and knowledge hidden deep within you. Finding your core beliefs is the key to transformation. You can transform negative self-defeating beliefs into beliefs that support your life as an adult. You can identify patterns that undermine your well-being and transform them into patterns that create a better life. By upgrading your core beliefs you can mature your feelings and reactions. You can positively influence how others react to you. You can change your life for the better. You can do this!

Important Points

• You create your own life experiences; you become what you believe yourself to be.

• People and circumstances respond to your attitudinal energy.

• Reality is what you believe it to be.

• Your core beliefs are hidden within you and determine your experience.

• Core beliefs reflect decisions you made about yourself, others, and the nature of reality.

• A core belief comes into being during an emotional high impact moment.

• A core belief is formed when you have a high impact thought followed by a decision.

• A series of mental events occurs when a behavior pattern is triggered.

• These mental events cause the pattern to activate and become reinforced.

• You have a child self and an adult self within you that can carry opposing beliefs.

• Your experiences as a fetus, as an infant, and as a child have impacted you the most.

• A high impact moment is a high stress moment that is charged with emotion.

• During your high impact moments you make decisions.

• You decide about yourself, others, and the nature of reality.

• Unexpressed emotions lock a core belief into the subconscious mind.

• Unexpressed emotions create patterns of thought, feeling, and behavior.

• Defensiveness and denial are clues to buried conflicting memories.

• Admitting to childhood conflict does not mean you are blaming your parents.

• You have a right to understand what happened to you.

• Childhood is difficult even during the best of times.

• To uncover the truth about your past you must see through the eyes of your inner child.

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