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Spiritual Warning

Spiritual Warning:

The higher you take yourself spiritually, the more the danger of being misunderstood, judged, even betrayed. Although you may feel compassion and love you can also feel alone and separate from those who do not aspire to connect with that which is the highest within themselves. This is a part of the journey…connecting with your inner God-Self and gradually disengaging from those desires of the world. Yogananda, the great Indian guru, said that he was in this world but not of it. As a therapist I have learned that hypnosis and hypnotherapy can open the door to spiritual awakening. By confronting the dragon within the self you can find that there is nothing to fear. What seemed to be reason for despair can be the opening door for joy and unconditional love. If you desire to raise your consciousness into that which is the highest within you consider hypnotherapy. I specialize in psychological and spiritual healing here in Encinitas and San Diego, California.

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