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San Diego & Encinitas Hypnotherapist Helps Children With Self Confidence

Maggie, age 15, was afraid to go to school. Her parents wanted her to work with a hypnotherapist from San Diego or Encinitas who helps children with self confidence. When Maggie came to my office she was open and willing to talk about her feelings. She told me, “I feel left out, like nobody likes me.” To get to the bottom of those feelings I had to find out not only what was going on at school but what was going on at home. How a child reacts to conflict away from home is often a reflection of what they are taught about themselves at home. Maggie’s parents were facing a financial crisis which caused stress between. Maggie was in the middle and not understanding really what was going on she took on the stress as something she was responsible for. This showed up as low self esteem at school where her classmates picked up her vulnerability and responded by teasing or withdrawing. Once Maggie could make the distinction between what was her responsibility and what wasn’t she was ready for hypnosis. We did a hypnosis  process where Maggie imagined herself feeling confident with others who responded in a friendly way. This special kind of hypnotherapy process is a powerful tool that sends a wonderful message to the subconscious mind. Maggie regained her confidence within several weeks and returned to school. Hypnosis works.Learn more about it at

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