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Personal Growth Music: Show Me The Way

On our journey toward self realization there are many “rites of passage.” A very important passage to our true selves is the moment of asking for guidance. Our cry for help is essential for us to find the answers to our challenges. The more our despair the better when it comes to this passage. Despair is the driving force that opens our minds and hearts to the answers to our longings and to learning what we need to learn. Once we cry out for help, help is on the way. In this song by Wendy Hill, Show Me The Way, you will learn how this wonderful and terrible passage works.

You can listen to this song and others here:

Show Me The Way

There comes a moment in time
When we cannot find the day
We turn our passions to the universe and cry
Show me the way
Show me the way

This can only happen when we are in despair
We can only make this cry when pain is everywhere
And when we have this moment
Yes, in this moment in time
We are really heroes
And we can finally find
We are really heroes
And we can finally find

The peace
The joy
The answers
The truth

They say ‘out of the ashes of your despair
Arise the phoenix of your truth’
How can we trust that this is so?
How can we come to really know?

Your despair is a blessed gift
For it is only then
That you will cry out for the truth
And your new life can begin

There comes a moment in time
When we cannot find the day
We turn our passions to the universe
And cry ‘show me the way’
Show me the way

Wendy Hill is a San Diego Counselor and Hypnosis Therapist

Wendy Hill, M.A., Ph.D. (2013), San Diego counselor and hypnosis therapist has been in private practice in psychotherapy and hypnotherapy in San Diego County and Encinitas for over thirty years. As a therapist and counselor Wendy specializes in transforming self-defeating core beliefs. Her therapy includes using hypnosis and counseling to treat anxiety, depression, addiction, childhood abuse, sexual abuse, relationships, self-confidence, and life challenges. Her website is

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