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Your Love Is Everything

Your children need healthy boundaries with helpful consequences if crossed. They need you to be there for them in their activities, homework, victories, and trials. They need you to play with them, experiment with them, and make mistakes with them. And above all they need your consistent expression of love. Not smother love. Respectful and affectionate love. Too many hugs and “I love you’s” can smother if your energy is co-dependent. But to tell your children you are proud of them and that they can accomplish many wonderful things is important. Your smile when they walk through the door. The sparkle in your eyes when you see even the smallest accomplishment. Your respectful way of communicating with them when they are “bad” or need guidance. You kind touch. Your sweetness. This you cannot hire or buy. Your love is everything to them and it is expressed in small subtle ways through your words, your tone, and your small attentions. Turn your eyes toward your children every day and see them as an expression of God. Know they are soon to go into a world on their own that can be disappointing and cruel. The love you give them in the years you have a deep influence on them will save them and help them get through what the world demands of them. Your love heals. Your love creates.

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