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Life Purpose: Making It Happen Within A Relationship

Often people in a committed relationship are hesitant to make changes in their lives for fear of upsetting the relationship. Sometimes this hesitancy is not to the benefit of either person and can have long range harmful effects. When you have a dream, a calling, a life purpose that pulls you body, mind, heart, and soul it’s very important that you listen to and follow that calling. Sit down with your mate and discuss it and if necessary negotiate how it will manifest. If your partner refuses to cooperate then persevere with your attempts at communication. Let him/her know how important this is to you and how much you need their support. If your partner is resisting, this kind of conversation may be long over due and may be an indication of other problems in the relationship.  Confronting their resistance with the attitude of positive problem solving can open a door to more harmony in other areas of your relationship. There are times when such a conversation may require the help of a third party, perhaps a counselor. Change is scary to everyone. But stopping yourself from living the life you were born to live is a kind of a crime. Fight for your right to live your life purpose.

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