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How Core Beliefs Are Formed

How Core Beliefs Are Formed 1

In this on-going blog I, Wendy Hill, Ph.D., will continue to comment on each aspect of self transformation. This is called the Renaissance (reawakening) Experience of Core Belief Transformation. Learn more at or call me at 760-994-9296.

How Core Beliefs Are Formed


You have a problem:

First there is the problem. You might be experiencing anxiety, depression, addiction, relationship issues, or any of the many life challenges we humans encounter. You might think that the problem is isolated, unique, or having to do with bad luck. Actually, perhaps without you even realizing it you created the problem yourself. Since it was created by your subconscious mind you may have no clue as to how you may be responsible for this problem. So let’s take a step-by-step journey together to find out…and in finding out you automatically can see how you can solve the problem.

Please stay with me on this. It’s going to take a little bit for me to explain this.

Original high impact moments occur:


(womb – 4; 5-7; 8-10)

In your past starting from ‘go’ in the womb you have experience. Some experience is comfortable and feels OK and some experience feels not so good, sometimes even really bad. All experience has an impact on us and during especially intense experience called a high impact moment you make decisions that go deep into your subconscious mind as core beliefs.

The most impacting experiences and ensuing decisions occur while we are in the womb to age four. Then from five to seven and from eight to ten we are still vulnerable and relatively defenseless and core beliefs are still formed. By the time we are ten we have developed enough experience and defenses to somewhat protect us but we continue to be vulnerable.

Here is an example of how vulnerable we are and how we can respond to create a core belief:

While Sarah was in her mother’s womb her mother was often stressed and anxious. Her mother and her father often argued. Sarah felt mother’s anxiety and heard the arguments. Since Sarah had no experience whatever of life she had only her here-and-now experience of being in the womb. Feeling mother’s anxiety and hearing her father’s loud and angry voice impacted Sarah deeply. Her natural conclusion was that this experience is what her life is and will be.

Decisions are made during high impact moments/strong emotion

Sarah’s mind is completely open and vulnerable. She has minute experience of life consequently she has no ability to analyze or judge. She simple accepts whatever she is experiencing. At the same time Sarah has emotion and in this case her emotion is that of extreme anxiety. This intense emotion coupled with her experience of her parents arguing and mother’s anxiety create an expectation, a core belief, about herself and the nature of reality. Without consciously thinking about it Sarah has decided that life is to be difficult and anxious.


Resulting in core beliefs


Which create patterns of

Thought, emotion, behavior

(choices, perceptions that

reinforce core beliefs)


Which create current life reflecting core beliefs


Benefits of transformation


You will be your True Self

Self confidence

Spiritual Connection

Peace of mind


Clear thinking

Action with integrity


How to Transform Core Beliefs


Discovery: regress from current challenge (emotion/circumstance)


Identify original experience

Decisions and core beliefs


Acknowledge events and emotions


Rescue infant, fetus, child


Express emotions

(crying, anger release)


Connect with adult and

Spiritual Self


Dialogue with child

(acknowledge, listen, give new perspectives and instructions)


Make new decisions


Experience Truth/Spiritual Awakening/True Self




More upsetting memory/emotion comes up


Repeat processes


How to Finish the Job


Commit to continued processing from current challenges


Small steps/processing/

silence/risk/Spiritual Connection/outside support


Re-discovery of True Self on own


New Truths/Spiritual Awakenings




Dysfunctional relationship

Fear of change

Unwilling to effort

Loss of interest/denial





False promising distractions









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