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Drinking and Alcoholism Three: Facing the Pain

Most people drink to alter their mood. Most drinkers carry emotions they don’t feel and don’t want to feel if they could. These emotions are primarily feelings from long ago, emotions that were too painful to feel at the time. The upsetting things that happen to us in our childhood often get put away deep in the psyche, not to be felt and sometimes not even to be remembered. Forgotten memories and emotions don’t mean they are gone. They continue to influence you in every way every day of your life. When they remain unconscious they have control. By bringing them to your conscious mind you then have the power to truly let them go. Your life will be better. You will have more peace of mind, higher self-esteem, and freedom from addiction. This is the huge payoff for facing your past pain. As the adult you are today you can face what you could not as a child. It’s safe now to face those old memories and to feel the pain of them. Once you do that then you will not have to carry them inside your psyche. Find a good hypnotherapist who specializes in regression and addiction recovery. You can be free of your drinking and all the pain it causes in your current life. Read more on my website about healing addiction at

Wendy Hill, M.A., Ph.D. candidate (2013) has been in private practice in psychotherapy and hypnotherapy in San Diego and Encinitas for over thirty years. As a therapist and counselor Wendy specializes in transforming self-defeating core beliefs. Her therapy includes using hypnosis and counseling to treat anxiety, depression, addiction, childhood abuse, sexual abuse, relationships, self-confidence, and life challenges. Her website is

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