You have within you a state of awareness that contains unlimited access to pure wisdom and unconditional love. Some have called this state Superconsciousness, Nirvana, or God awareness. In this state you experience your highest self, your True Self. You have access to unconditional love, joy, wisdom, creativity, bliss, and limitless knowledge. You can access this transcendent awareness by diving deep within yourself.
The science of quantum mechanics has revealed astounding discoveries about the nature of physical reality and thought. These discoveries suggest the relationship our minds and emotions have with creation. The discovery of superposition, entanglement, and quantum tunneling have opened a door to astounding understanding of ourselves. We know that a particle will not come into existence and know its nature until observed/measured by a human. We know that a split particle can communicate with and transform its other half instantly no matter how great the distance apart. These discoveries have a profound impact on the field of metaphysics. Is it possible that we create our reality through thought and emotion? The confirmation of such a reality is becoming increasingly evident. By accessing your True Self you can know astonishing Truths about all of creation and how you participate in its existence. For over 50 years Dr. Wendy Hill has specialized in core belief transformation and inner child healing, emphasizing spiritual awakening. She uses the powerful tools of psychotherapy, hypnotherapy, and music to awaken the True Self. Years of observing results of her work have revealed a profound and long lasting positive change in her clients.
Dr. Wendy will give you the opportunity to realize your True Self through the impactful medium of music and lyric. Throughout this event she will share her experience and understanding of emotional and spiritual transformation and play for you specially selected songs with lyrics that can help move you through the process of self-discovery. Using her intuitive abilities she will customize her selections for you. (Dr. Wendy has collected over 200 special songs to inspire.) Her music selections will take you through emotional and spiritual blocks into the excitement of creativity and love for yourself. Working at your own pace, you will be given the opportunity to step out of your denials, face and slay the dragons of negative core beliefs, behold and heal your wounded child within, and open your mind and heart to unconditional love. After each song you will be given the opportunity to reflect, feel, and share your new realizations. You will have the opportunity to progress emotionally and spiritually and put into action your insights. You are learning to follow the bliss and excitement of being your True Self. Take your next step to living your true calling.
Though this event is designed to support your delving within to experience your higher self, you may choose to simply enjoy listening to wonderful songs and lyrics. Doing so will automatically open doors to greater possibilities for your life. You can also choose to delve deep within yourself to whatever depth you feel drawn. No pressure. No judgment.
Date: Saturday, February 22
9:30 AM – 3:00 PM
You bring a bag lunch to be eaten by fountain in seated break area.
Location: Dr. Wendy’s office group room:
4407 Manchester Ave., Suite 103, Encinitas, CA 92024
Suggested Donation: Between $150 to $250 you choose
We have created bargain pricing for this special event.
Registration: $50 non-refundable deposit to go toward your donation. Deposit can be used for another date if we are unable to enroll 6 – 7 participants in this date.
“Made with love to expand and share the vibration with all who will accept it.”