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Self-Confidence Counselor

Get the right self-confidence counselor. 

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Dr. Wendy can be your self-confidence counselor. You can become more confident very quickly. Hypnotherapy can help you transform those self-defeating thoughts that have had about yourself into positive thoughts of self-love.  

I specialize in identifying and transforming the subconscious self-defeating core beliefs that cause anxiety, depression, and lack of confidence into core beliefs that support healthy adult experience.

Lack of self-confidence is caused by early life experience that undermines your belief in yourself. Even people who think they had a happy childhood can be the victim of subtle or not so subtle criticism or be traumatized by parental disharmony, or upsetting change or loss.

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If you are experiencing feeling insecure or lack of confidence in the present time you can be sure that the seeds of those feelings lie in your past experience. Those experiences we had in childhood are the foundation of how we view ourselves and our world. Positive experiences help create positive and healthy core beliefs about ourselves and pave the way to healthy loving relationships and experiences as an adult. Negative and upsetting experiences help create self-defeating core beliefs about ourselves.

It is important to feel that you have a voice, that you can make mistakes without being judged, and can confidently take healthy risks. Get the right self-confidence counseling with the right self-confidence counselor.

Hypnotherapy and regression can offer you the opportunity to uncover and heal the underlying causes of poor self-esteem and lack of confidence. By going back in time you can conquer those old fears and slay those old dragons. To learn more about hypnotherapy and regression click on Hypnotherapy, Regression, Core Beliefs. You will be introduced to a new and path to healing and self-empowerment.

Remember that you are worthy. You are lovable and loved. You are safe to be you. You have the right to have a voice and to succeed.

If you would like to know more about how you can help yourself I invite you to contact me for a live Zoom session or an in-person session in my office in Encinitas, California. You can also download one of my self-guided workshops like The True Seeker’s Guide To A Better Life or The Call To Adventure or you can listen to my wisdom-filled audios in Life Lessons. Meanwhile, I am here.

My very best to you, Wendy Hill, Ph.D.

Hypnotherapy Builds Self-Esteem

Do you want to become more self-confident? Build self-confidence with hypnotherapy. Traditional therapy does not get to the root of your self-confidence problem. The sessions are too short and treat only the symptoms. Deeply transform your self-defeating core beliefs into beliefs that give you self-esteem. If you experience low self-esteem it is because you carry a core belief about yourself that undermines your true sense of value and worth.

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The truth is you are a miracle. You have within you incredible power and beauty. When you truly recognize your inner power and beauty you will have the freedom to find success, peace, love, self-confidence, and the joy of being alive. The moment that you awaken to this fact is the moment that you begin to experience the miracle. It doesn’t matter who you are or what you do. It doesn’t matter your age, what you have done in the past, or your education. It is your birthright to experience life and its deepest satisfactions.

The Answer Is Within You

Through hypnotherapy you can look within yourself. Within you are all the answers to all of your questions. You hold the key to the healing of any wound past or present. Within you is the key to complete self-confidence, love, peace, and joy. You can unlock the door to your own happiness. With a seasoned psychotherapist and hypnotherapist you can awaken to what you already know deep within yourself and live a transformed successful life.

In life there are many guides and signs pointing the way for each of us. People, books, philosophies, religions, conditions, and events can tell us much about what we need to learn. Experience is the best teacher. However, most of the time we do not listen. But when we do, we have the opportunity to learn more of the miracle that we are.

Discover Your Own Personal Power

You are powerful. Dr. Wendy helps you discover that power. Hypnotherapy helps give you the choice to use your power for the highest good for yourself and others. You will automatically realize and experience your power in more joyful ways than you do now. In fact, you can change your life in ways that will astound you. Let Dr. Wendy help empower you to attain more self-fulfillment and a renewed inner joy for living.

There are some simple truths and natural laws governing self-confidence and well-being that are essential to understand. Through hypnotherapy and counseling you can learn these truths and laws. Once you know them, you can work with them and you can make them work for you. You can learn to experience happiness and well-being based on these truths and natural laws.

All you need to know is within you. You can know more joy, satisfaction, love, peace, happiness, success, and confidence! Each of us has a natural need to grow. Hypnotherapy provides you with endless opportunities for growth.

Now May Be Your Time

Perhaps you are facing a challenge right now. Perhaps life has been difficult lately. If so, you are in a perfect place to learn more about the laws of self-confidence, happiness, and personal power. You may be at your peek for learning right now. Often your peek for optimum learning occurs when you are most uncomfortable. When you are sick and tired of the discomfort, you are ready to learn. Life has a way of helping you get to that point. Your discomfort is a signal that you are ready to grow.

True Client Story

Alice had very little belief in herself. She was a chronic people pleaser, seldom asked for what she wanted, and avoided any kind of confrontation. As a result she had little control over her life. She was sad, bitter, and depressed. Through hypnotherapy Alice was able to identify the high impact moments, conditions and self-defeating patterns that caused her low self-esteem. She connected with her inner child, communicated to herself the truth of her real worth, and expressed the feelings she had always kept pent up. These steps helped transform how she felt about herself. The change was automatic. Today Alice is confident, communicates what she wants, negotiates with others, faces difficult issues, and has control of her life. She is not obsessed with trying to please others or have others like her. She is her true self.   Wendy Hill, Ph.D.