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Weight Loss Fourteen: Unconscious Comfort Eating Shirley’s Story

Shirley is frustrated that she can’t seem to lose those extra fifteen pounds. When she thinks about her diet she can’t seem to figure where and how she puts on the offending calories. She tells her friends that she is careful about what she eats. For the most part this is true. But Shirley is … Read more

Weight Loss Thirteen: Unnecessary Drama Relationships Jackie’s Story

Jackie takes things personally. She gets her feelings hurt often and will find fault with herself at the slightest suggestion. Unfortunately and predictably the friends Jackie has chosen are much the same. As a result their relationships are filled with unnecessary drama. Here’s a typical example: Tim’s busy and won’t return Jackie’s calls. Jackie’s feelings … Read more

Weight Loss Eleven: Losing And Finding Yourself Mary’s Story

Mary waited to get married thinking that she would find that perfect soul mate. Unfortunately that never happened for her. By the time she had reached her thirties she felt that if she would ever marry that she would have to compromise. So she she married a man that had custody of his two elementary … Read more

Narcissistic Mother: Affects On The Family Alan, Karen, and Callie’s Story

Alan, athletic and intelligent, had two younger sisters. Karen, the oldest of the two sisters was spunky, energetic and creative. Callie, the youngest, tended to allow others to tell her what to do. Alan, Karen, and Callie had a narcissistic mother and each of the siblings reacted differently to their mother’s narcissism. Karen, the spunky … Read more