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Past Life Regression Case Three: Amazing Story of Ron Continued

Ron came to me requesting my help in overcoming his irrational and terrifying fear of his new boss. Ron requested I conduct a past life regression session. As we began the session Ron began to sweat and shake. He quickly went into an altered state and immediately reported that he was running, running fast and … Read more

Past Life Regression Case Two: Acts of Karma

Chester had chronic depression from the time he was a child. While taking his history it became clear that his depression came from years of verbal and physical abuse as a child. The resulting therapy helped Chester enormously. However, Chester wanted to understand why he incarnated into such an abusive family. He understood the meaning … Read more

Past Life Regression Case One: Why Past Life Versus Current Life

Amy came to my office reporting sudden and chilling fears when ever she went to arrange for a first time visit to her aunt in Germany. After several visits to my office and lengthy discussions it became clear that Amy’s fears did not come from something in her childhood nor her current life. Amy was … Read more