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The Powers Of Self-Hypnosis – Two

Many people think of hypnosis as a state where they are unconscious or at least under the influence of some strange power that can manipulate their minds. The truth is that all hypnosis is self-hypnosis. That may sound strange when a hypnotist or hypnotherapist might say, “I will hypnotize you.” In reality you are simply relinquishing your suggestible mind to the suggestions of another. That is a choice and that choice can be changed at your own will. This is an important point to make especially to those who seek help from a hypnotherapist. When working with a hypnotherapist know that you can and actually must participate while in a state of hypnosis. Remember that you are responsible for your own well-being and when in therapy of any kind you need to be willing to look within yourself and seek out the truth of the matter. Once you do that you are on your way to a happier, more harmonious life. The answers are all within you. Your hypnotherapist’s job is to introduce you to and challenge you with questions, suggestions, and processes that heal.

Learn more about The Powers Of Self-Hypnosis-Two and hypnotherapy at Wendy Hill, Ph.D. can help you become more your true self.

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